Hello guys,
It is very general task to a developer
to find something (string) in database either it could be from a table or from
a list of tables or sometimes it could be from the whole database. Finding the
string from a table, is very simple but when you have to find the string from
the whole database, then generally developer tends to think about any alternate
way except to go to each table and search the string manually. So i have
searched on google and created a Script which finds the references of the
string into whole database. You just have to copy the following Script, paste
in your database and just click the execute button. This Script takes three
- TableNames: if you want to search to the a particular table or from a list of tables then just enter the names of table here, or if you want to search the whole database then just enter a empty string.
- SearchStr: the string you want to search.
- GenerateSQLOnly: Provide 1 if you only want to generate the SQL statements without searching the database. By default it is 0 and it will search.
IF OBJECT_ID('SearchTables','P') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE SearchTables GO CREATE PROCEDURE SearchTables @Tablenames VARCHAR(500) ,@SearchStr NVARCHAR(60) ,@GenerateSQLOnly Bit = 0 AS /* Parameters and usage @Tablenames -- Provide a single table name or multiple table name with comma seperated. If left blank , it will check for all the tables in the database @SearchStr -- Provide the search string. Use the '%' to coin the search. EX : X%--- will give data staring with X %X--- will give data ending with X %X%--- will give data containig X @GenerateSQLOnly -- Provide 1 if you only want to generate the SQL statements without seraching the database. By default it is 0 and it will search. Samples : 1. To search data in a table EXEC SearchTables @Tablenames = 'T1' ,@SearchStr = '%TEST%' The above sample searches in table T1 with string containing TEST. 2. To search in a multiple table EXEC SearchTables @Tablenames = 'T2' ,@SearchStr = '%TEST%' The above sample searches in tables T1 & T2 with string containing TEST. 3. To search in a all table EXEC SearchTables @Tablenames = '%' ,@SearchStr = '%TEST%' The above sample searches in all table with string containing TEST. 4. Generate the SQL for the Select statements EXEC SearchTables @Tablenames = 'T1' ,@SearchStr = '%TEST%' ,@GenerateSQLOnly = 1 */ SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @CheckTableNames Table ( Tablename sysname ) DECLARE @SQLTbl TABLE ( Tablename SYSNAME ,WHEREClause VARCHAR(MAX) ,SQLStatement VARCHAR(MAX) ,Execstatus BIT ) DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @tmpTblname sysname IF LTRIM(RTRIM(@Tablenames)) IN ('' ,'%') BEGIN INSERT INTO @CheckTableNames SELECT Name FROM sys.tables END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @sql = 'SELECT ''' + REPLACE(@Tablenames,',',''' UNION SELECT ''') + '''' INSERT INTO @CheckTableNames EXEC(@sql) END INSERT INTO @SQLTbl ( Tablename,WHEREClause) SELECT SCh.name + '.' + ST.NAME, ( SELECT '[' + SC.name + ']' + ' LIKE ''' + @SearchStr + ''' OR ' + CHAR(10) FROM SYS.columns SC JOIN SYS.types STy ON STy.system_type_id = SC.system_type_id AND STy.user_type_id =SC.user_type_id WHERE STY.name in ('varchar','char','nvarchar','nchar') AND SC.object_id = ST.object_id ORDER BY SC.name FOR XML PATH('') ) FROM SYS.tables ST JOIN @CheckTableNames chktbls ON chktbls.Tablename = ST.name JOIN SYS.schemas SCh ON ST.schema_id = SCh.schema_id WHERE ST.name <> 'SearchTMP' GROUP BY ST.object_id, SCh.name + '.' + ST.NAME ; UPDATE @SQLTbl SET SQLStatement = 'SELECT * INTO SearchTMP FROM ' + Tablename + ' WHERE ' + substring(WHEREClause,1,len(WHEREClause)-5) DELETE FROM @SQLTbl WHERE WHEREClause IS NULL WHILE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @SQLTbl WHERE ISNULL(Execstatus ,0) = 0) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @tmpTblname = Tablename , @sql = SQLStatement FROM @SQLTbl WHERE ISNULL(Execstatus ,0) = 0 IF @GenerateSQLOnly = 0 BEGIN IF OBJECT_ID('SearchTMP','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE SearchTMP EXEC (@SQL) IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM SearchTMP) BEGIN SELECT Tablename=@tmpTblname,* FROM SearchTMP END END ELSE BEGIN PRINT REPLICATE('-',100) PRINT @tmpTblname PRINT REPLICATE('-',100) PRINT replace(@sql,'INTO SearchTMP','') END UPDATE @SQLTbl SET Execstatus = 1 WHERE Tablename = @tmpTblname END SET NOCOUNT OFF Go exec SearchTables '','%abc%',0 drop proc searchtables drop table SearchTMPIf you will to get script thenexec SearchTables '','%abc%',1
Hopefully this script saves
your precocious time for searching references of a string throughout the
Database or specific tables.
Thanks for reading.
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